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Second Round of Editing
For the  Second Round of Editing, the same procedure will be repeated. Charges are based on word count, less 15%. However, if you want us to edit only the portions that have been changed or added, highlight the portions in                             .
IMPORTANT! Please Note:

Once we have received your payment, we will start editing your document. So, after payment, please DO NOT RESEND your document with additional changes. Save this for your second round of editing if you so require. The same is true with your second round of editing. Do not resend after uploading your document with a request for second round of editing. This is to save us both, time and confusion over dealing with multiple drafts - edited and unedited.

Your document is proofread using the ‘track changes’ function of Microsoft Word. This is a standard function installed in most versions of Microsoft Word. This function allows you to move easily between changes and accept any or all of the modifications proposed by the proofreader. Corrections, suggestions and comments are shown in the right-hand margin and are easy to accept into your document (for explanation using an example, click here).

Note: All submitted documents will be read and edited a minimum of 2 times by 2 different editors.

​ Receive edited document
4 easy steps
Inform essayRight if charges are not agreeable and your order will be cancelled
essayRight Proofreading & Editing Services 
Your success is 
our success
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essayRight Proofreading and Editing Services
Authors invariably are blind to their own work. So they need an extra pair of eyes. At essayRight, every submission goes through two professional editors.
Please refer to our web page on Pricing for more information on student discount for PhD and Masters theses.
(Click on the calculator to calculate charges, using the above formula) 

When you are ready,
1. Submit request ----->go to Place Your Order Form (academic/business)------> upload file/s.
2. Receive acknowledgment from essayRight, and a note of availabilty. 

3. If available, ----->you receive a quote via Paypal invoice. 

4. If your due date does not fit our editing schedule,
  - We will suggest the earliest possible date for your consideration. If the suggested date does not suit you, you may decline.
  - If the SUGGESTED due date and the editing charges are acceptable to you, make payment via PayPal. Please inform essayRight of your decision. Our editors will ONLY start working on your document after the payment is made.  
5. Your edited document will be sent to you on or before the deadline you agreed upon.
How to pay through PayPal

When you receive a PayPal invoice from us, open your email.
1. Click on view and pay your invoice.
2. click on the Pay button on the top left hand corner.
3. Log on to your PayPal account (if you do not have a PayPal account, you open an account. It is easy and is free. Go to to log on to PayPal).
4. Pay using your credit or debit card.
How do we determine word count?
1. Open your word document.
2. Click on Tools in the top menu bar (highlighted in yellow in the image below). 
3. A window pops up with information on the number of words, characters, paragraphs etc. We use the number of words to calculate our charges.

Compositions A-B